i am a transformational coach and speaker who helps leaders reconnect with their innate creative power.

And use this energy to live & lead from a space of joy, inner peace, abundance and trust instead from a restrictive place of fear and control.

i am here to help you tap into the most aligned, clear and powerful version of yourself to transform your life for the better.


All sessions and workshops can be conducted in German, English, or Spanish, catering to a diverse range of clients.


My offerings are designed like a 'Lego box,' where each service can stand alone or be combined with others. This flexibility allows for a tailored approach that best suits your individual or organizational needs.


individual Coaching

unveil Your inner potential

  • Embark on a journey of self-discovery with Lumina Spark (*) for Individuals. This personalized experience delves deep into your personality, shedding light on your motivations, behaviors, and responses under stress. It's an insightful pathway to increased inner fulfillment and purpose.

  • • Individuals aspiring to deepen self-awareness and personal growth.

    • Parents seeking to become the best version of themselves and to foster healthy relationships with their children.

    • Professionals navigating career transitions or seeking to align their career with their true self.

  • Personalized Lumina Spark Portrait: Dive into the intricacies of your personality with a detailed profile that reveals your motivations, everyday behaviours, and responses under stress.

    Expert Debriefing: A one-on-one session to explore your unique traits and their manifestation in daily life.

    Empowering Follow-Up: Collaborative development of your own action plan during a follow-up session, applying insights to enhance alignment in your life.

  • • Enhanced self-awareness and insight into personal drivers and barriers.

    • Improved communication skills and relationship-building, particularly crucial for parents.

    • Empowered decision-making for personal growth and career development.

    • Increased sense of inner fulfillment and purpose.

customized 1:1 coaching partnerships

  • Embark on a transformative coaching journey tailored to your individual needs. Whether facing professional crossroads, starting new ventures, or striving for a balanced family life, these partnerships offer customized support and guidance.

  • • Professionals at pivotal life moments.

    • Parents struggling how to balance career and family.

    • Individuals seeking clarity and purpose.

  • • Individualized Coaching Sessions: Focused on your specific goals and challenges.

    • Strategic Insights and Empathetic Guidance: Combining deep understanding with actionable strategies.

    • Actionable Steps and Continuous Support: Developing effective strategies and providing ongoing support for growth.

  • • Gain clarity and direction at pivotal life moments.

    • Balance professional ambitions with personal well-being.

    • Develop strategies for thriving in both career and family life.

teams & Organizations

navigating change and resolving conflicts

  • Lumina Spark for Teams is an exceptional tool for teams facing transformations, change processes, or internal conflicts. It plays a pivotal role in developing a deeper mutual understanding and cohesion, which are key to thriving in times of change and resolving conflicts.

  • Teams undergoing transformation, restructuring, facing persistent or arising conflicts, or any significant change. This tool is designed to enhance understanding, resolve conflicts, and build a strong team culture capable of adapting to new challenges.

  • • Team Lumina Spark Portraits: Individual personality assessments for each team member, highlighting unique contributions to the team’s dynamics.

    • Interactive Group Session: A collaborative workshop to explore and appreciate collective strengths and communication styles, fostering effective collaboration and conflict resolution.

    • Tailored Team Action Plan: Development of a customized action plan focused on enhancing teamwork, productivity, and resolving conflicts, particularly important during transformational phases or in conflict situations.

  • • Strengthened team dynamics, especially in contexts of organizational change, transition, or conflict.

    • Improved communication and collaboration skills, essential for effectively managing change and resolving disputes.

    • Enhanced understanding and alignment with team goals, fostering a resilient and cohesive team culture amidst challenges.

bespoke workshops for teams

  • Tailored workshops addressing your team's unique challenges and goals, ideal for transformations, aligning visions, or enhancing engagement.

  • • Teams under new leadership or undergoing cultural shifts.

    • Teams seeking to align visions and goals.

    • Teams looking to improve engagement and productivity.

  • Customized Workshop Content: Addressing the specific needs of your team.

    Interactive Format: Engaging activities that foster team cohesion.

    Actionable Insights: Equipping teams with strategies to improve dynamics.

  • • Strengthened team cohesion and improved communication.

    • Aligned team and individual motivations with corporate goals.

    •Enhanced productivity and engagement.

transformation Guidance

  • A comprehensive mix of consulting, coaching, and workshops, providing support through significant organizational changes.

  • • Organizations undergoing significant transformations.

    • Teams adapting to new leadership or business models.

    • Leaders seeking to navigate change effectively.

  • Integrated Consulting and Coaching: Tailored to your specific transformation journey.

    Customized Strategy and Support: Developing effective change management strategies.

    Long-Term Impact: Focused on sustainable organizational changes.

  • • Smooth transition to new paradigms and business models.

    • Enhanced team unity and collaboration during transformations.

    • Effective strategies for long-term organizational goals.

leader and team member 1:1 coaching

  • Personalized 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to foster individual growth within the team context. These sessions are designed to address personal challenges and ambitions, aligning them with team objectives for a cohesive and effective working environment.

  • • Leaders seeking to enhance their impact and effectiveness.

    • Team members aiming for personal and professional growth.

    • Individuals facing work overload and stress.

  • • Customized Coaching Plans: Focused on individual needs and aspirations within the team's framework.

    • Development of Leadership Skills: Enhancing decision-making, empathetic communication, and other key leadership qualities.

    • Strategies for Workload Management: Tools to effectively manage workload, reduce burnout, and improve well-being.

    • Alignment with Team Goals: Harmonizing individual aspirations with team objectives for increased motivation and satisfaction.

    Conflict Resolution Techniques: Empowering individuals to navigate and resolve conflicts effectively.

  • • Tailored growth pathways for personal and professional development.

    • Enhanced leadership skills and effective team dynamics.

    • Reduced stress and improved well-being.

    • Strong alignment of personal goals with team objectives.

    • Improved conflict management and self-awareness.

  • Flexible virtual or face-to-face sessions, available in German, English, and Spanish.

parental support in your teams: nurturing working parents

  • • Organizations aiming to support work-life balance.

    • Teams wanting to enhance the well-being of employee-parents.

    • Leaders committed to fostering a family-friendly workplace culture.

  • • Organizations aiming to support work-life balance.

    • Teams wanting to enhance the well-being of employee-parents.

    • Leaders committed to fostering a family-friendly workplace culture.

  • • Interactive Workshops: Sessions covering key parenting concerns and strategies for balancing work and family life.

    • Focused Coaching for Parents: Personalized support to help parents manage their unique challenges and thrive in both roles.

    • Resource and Support Network: Access to resources and a supportive community of working parents.

  • Increased Employee Well-being: Parents receive the support they need, leading to reduced stress and improved mental health.

    Boost in Team Morale and Engagement: Acknowledging and supporting parenting roles enhances team cohesion and employee loyalty.

    Positive Impact on Future Generations: By investing in parents, organizations contribute to the health and well-being of future generations.

    Enhanced Corporate Responsibility: Demonstrates an organization's commitment to family values and social responsibility.

  • Customizable to the needs of each team or organization, these sessions can be conducted virtually or in-person and are available in German, English, and Spanish.

    This offering not only aids in the personal growth of working parents but also aligns with the values of progressive organizations, fostering an environment where family life is respected and supported.

why veronica?


My rich history in IT, strategy, transformations, leadership, team dynamics, and employee engagement, combined with years of experience in executive and transformational coaching, gives me a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of both corporate and individual growth journeys. This depth and breadth of experience enriches the insights and guidance I offer during our partnership.


As a professional committed to ongoing development and a dedicated mother, I have a profound understanding of the balance required between career progression and personal fulfillment. This dual perspective allows me to provide guidance that resonates deeply on both professional and personal levels.


My multicultural background, coupled with my proficiency in multiple languages, equips me with the ability to connect with a diverse range of individuals, understanding their unique challenges and contexts. This, paired with a laser-sharp focus and heightened awareness, enables me to see beyond stereotypes and superficial issues, identifying and addressing root causes effectively.


go beyond surface-level insights, offering a transformative experience that aligns your deeper motivations with your outward actions and goals.

lumina spark

Lumina Spark is an innovative personality tool that offers rich, multidimensional insights into an individual's behavior and motivations. Developed from cutting-edge psychometrics and personality theory, it transcends traditional assessments by capturing a dynamic portrait of the whole person. A key strength of Lumina Spark is its unbiased approach, respecting the fluidity and complexity of human nature and providing nuanced understanding rather than limiting labels or types.

What truly sets Lumina Spark apart is its ability to reflect all aspects of an individual's personality: their underlying disposition, everyday persona, and overextended self under stress. This comprehensive view enables a more authentic and complete understanding of oneself and others, enhancing communication, collaboration, and personal growth.

Lumina Spark is not just an innovative tool for self-discovery but also a powerful facilitator for team development and organizational transformation. It serves as a foundation for many of my coaching and workshop offerings, providing invaluable insights for personal and professional development.

what are you secretly desiring that you haven’t given yourself permission yet to do? let’s talk.